Risultati per "Risk management"

27 anni: ...con trisomia 21. Il management ostetrico di tale condizione... sonogram. A method of risk assessment for down syndrome... Denamur E, et al. Management of prenatally diagnosed hyperechogenic bowel... poco differenti, essenzialmente sul management a breve termine del... Iperecogenicità...
...The kidney, a cardiovascular risk marker, and a new... : lowering the threshold of risk in hypertension. Hypertension 2005;... subclinical organ damage for risk assessment and treatment in... of Cardiology guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J... La determinazione della microalbuminuria e il Rischio Cardiovascolare...
...of psychological approaches to the management of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia... smell identification scale related to risk for Alzheimer's disease in... , Recommendations for the diagnosis and management of Alzheimer's disease and... Tutto sulle demenze...
...anxiety disorder and depression: Childhood risk factors in a birth cohort... disability from diseases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected... ). Depression in adults: Recognition and management. Available online: https://www.nice... Perdita di motivazione e di energia: il Disturbo Depressivo...
...M, Rowland and Ryan J. Management of Shoulderdislocations. Trauma 2007; 9... Management of Shoulder dislocation- Are we doing enough to reduce the risk... La spalla instabile...
...-562. Albietz JM, Lenton LM. Management of the ocular surface and... et al. The incidence and risk factorsfor developing dry eye after... incidence of this complication. Ophthalmology Management. 2004;(9):http://www.ophthalmologymanagement... Occhio secco e chirurgia oculare...
...chirurgico. Ovviamente nell’ambito del management delle forme gravi, nei rari... infection: an update on epidemiology, risk factors, and therapeutic optionsLo Vecchio... acid-suppressive agents and the risk of community-acquired Clostridium difficile... Clostridium difficile, diarrea e colite da antibiotici, colite pseudomembranosa: facciamo il punto...
38 anni: ...: Guidelines on the investigation and management of the antiphospholipid syndrome. Br... in biotransformation enzymes and the risk for recurrent early pregnancy loss... : Homocysteine and folate levels as risk factors for recurrent early pregnancy... Quarto aborto spontaneo...
...-733. Barrett’s Esophagus and Risk of Esophageal Cancer. A clinical... : 1087-1094. Consensus Statements for Management of Barrett’ Dysplasia and Early... Esofago di Barrett: prevenzione, diagnosi e terapia della complicanza tumorale...
...injections and other injections for management of tendinopathy: a systematic review... Danneels L, Cambier D. Intrinsic risk factors for the development of... Entesite rotulea e morbo di Osgood Schlatter (tendinopatia del tendine rotuleo)...
...bone mineral density, and fracture risk: a systematic review and meta... :205-208. WHO Prevention and management of osteoporosis. Technical Report Serie... Il collagene idrolizzato nell’osteoporosi: un rimedio diverso, efficace e sicuro...
...of Cardiology Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. J Hypertens... ): 115-7 White WB. Cardiovascular risk and therapeutic intervention for the... Il monitoraggio della pressione arteriosa 24 ore nella gestione dell'ipertensione...
...delle nuove linee guida sul management delle lesioni ad alto rischio... -up of individuals at high risk of primary cutaneous melanoma: a... Mappatura dei nei con "l'occhio digitale" e accuratezza diagnostica...
...Rodriguez LA, et al. Increased risk of irritable bowel syndrome after... studies in persistent diarrhea: dietary management with green banana or pectin... Diarrea protratta: nuovi concetti tra tradizione e futuro...
...cancer surgery has a high risk for recurrence: A clinicopathological study... of Dermatologists' guidelines for the management of lichen sclerosus 2010. Br... Lichen sclerosus o sclero-atrofico: commento sugli approcci chirurgici...
...Klein BE. Prevalence of and risk factors for dry eye syndrome...  et al. Diagnostic procedures and management of dry eye. Biomed Res... Occhi secchi: a che punto siamo?...
...Acute operative stabilization versus nonoperative management of clavicle fractures. Am J... McQueenMM, et al. Estimating the risk of non-union following nonoperative... La frattura della clavicola...
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